Monday 20 June 2011

The Effects of Smoking

Everyone in the world comes in contact with smoke from a cigarette at
least once in their lifetime, normally at the public area and even in the house. There are numerous effects on smoking: heart and lung diseases, environment pollution and society issues.
            Heart and lung diseases are the forms of diseases that cause by smoking. The smoke that contains nicotine can lead to a boost in a heart rate and constrict blood flows to the heart, raising blood pressure thereby forcing it to work harder. Nicotine can also decrease oxygen supply to the heart hence causing heart to demand more oxygen and this demand can result in heart attack. In addition, lung disease occurs because smoking damages the alveoli and bronchial airways thus prohibit them to receive oxygen. Further smoking makes the smoker more susceptible to bacterial infection. Chronic mucus secretion and chronic air flow blocks are also resulted from smoking. The chances of a smoker to get nose and throat inflammations and respiratory infections is higher than a non- smoker.

The toxins of the smoke can cause environment pollution. For instance, benzene, nicotine, and carbon monoxide which emit by a smoker directly to the air can cause air pollution. When air is being polluted not only human will affect even animals and plants will also suffer. The smoke of cigarette not only can harm the smokers but also can harm the passive smokers who are the people around them especially for the pregnant mothers. Smoke can harm unborn baby and cause respiratory problem to them. Furthermore, secondhand smoke is connected to sudden death infant syndrome which infants who exposed to secondhand smoke can die before birth or after birth.

            Cigarette butts and packets can cause society problems because they add litters to the streets, dirtying floors and damaging furniture. This phenomenon revealing the vile social practice of a country and uglify a country image. It can also affect tourism of a country thus affecting economy of the country. The young smoker will commit crime to the society. For the children who smoke they do not have extra money to buy cigarettes and they are tending to steal. These children will become worst if they are not being taught about the effects of smoking and they will repeat committing crime. This will cause degeneration among the new generation and a country will sink into degradation.

            In a nutshell, smoking harms our health and creates many problems to our environment and society.  Hence government should restrict the laws to reduce the numbers of smokers in our nation.


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